Practice is every Wednesday night at 6:00 pm. Be at the practice site at 5:45 pm for chatting and warm-up and in the boat by 6:15. We are off the boat by 7:30pm then we need 10-15 mins to debrief and cool down. Practice dates will begin in early May and end in late September (Early October if the weather permits) If the water is below a certain temperature we will not go out; temp in the air does not reflect water temperature; final say will be from the coach and steersperson. Environmental factors will also affect if we go out in the water. Canceled water practices will be replaced by on-land training, weather permitting.

Afterburn Paddle Clinics

Off-season training is encouraged, particularly at Afterburn, an indoor paddle pool.

Outer Harbour Team Waiver

Parking is available at Tommy Thompson Park.

No parking allowed along Unwin Ave.